

Welcome to the online photo album of our foreign study in Germany!  We come from Furman University, a small liberal arts university in Greenville, South Carolina. However, the 22 of us (students) come from all over the world, and we're not all German majors! We have traveled all of Germany, and most of us have traveled all over Europe. Now we want to share our adventures with you! 

A Word From the Author: 

Right now, this album contains only photos the web author took herself or found on the web. Many more pictures can be added here, as there are a total of 24 (students and professors) who traveled with us in 2000. If you have any suggestions, news, photos or corrections feel free to contact the author (Tricia Southard '01) at either of these two addresses:
Use the navigation bar at the left or the text links below, to begin browsing the album!
The Group * Cologne/Bonn * Excursions * Ten-Day Tour * Fun and Freetime * Home