The Group...





Mary Alston Continuing Student General Studies
Erin Bumgarner 2003 German/English
Scarlett Caldwell 2001 German
Naida Carsimamovic 2003 Economics
Wes Culberson 2001 Physics
Christen Cullum 2001 German/History
Andy Edwards 2002 Physics
Joey Hinton 2003 Undecided
Jon Howarth  2002 Computer Science
Ann Johe 2003 German
Nikki Mae Kennedy 2002 History
Erin Krebs 2003 Undecided
Joseph Lacey 2001 Philosophy
Jeff Larkin 2002 Computer Science
Emily Phillips 2003 German/Psychology
Pamela Rowe 2003 Business Administration
Jacob Schroeder 2003 Computer Science
Tricia Southard 2001 German/Secondary Ed.
Hank Southgate 2003 German/Philosophy
Veneta Toneva 2001 Business Administration
Donna Whitehead 2001 German
Gwyn Yeargin 2003 Undecided

Program Directors (FU): Dr. Jane Chew and  Dr. Norman Whisnant, Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures, Furman University
(Bonn): Herr Dr. Rainer Zäck, Akademie für Internationale Bildung

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